Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What we are missing

Well if nothing else this should be an interesting process..maybe not for you but for me. I think it is funny how my title of this blog is Porch and coffee. Seeing that these two items became big interest of mine late in life. But when I think of porch and coffee, I can't help but think about my mom and her friends and family sitting on the porch drinking coffee and just visiting with each other. It really was a beautiful time. I think how much they would have missed if they just text one another. My mom and her sisters would really laugh at everything. I can still hear mom, my aunt Carol, my aunt Shirley and my Gran laughing. They gave me a memory that I will carry with me and long for the rest of my life. Maybe that is my attraction to the porch. Which brings me back to the texting part. Yes, I do text but I don't enjoy it. And I can't imagine that as we grow older we will say or what a great memory of my mom when she was texting her friends and family. There is a element of human relationship that is truly missing. This blog is not going to change world views but I hope it gives my friends something to think about or at least be a good enough friend to say you need to stop blogging. I have no idea where this going but I hope you stop by from time to time. And when I say stop by, I mean not only to read the blog but to stop by and we will drink coffee on the potting shed porch..

1 comment:

  1. Well I agree totally with you ,we have lost the personal touch now days ,I heard a sad poll they ask teenagers if it was their grandparents birthday or anniversary would they stop and see them ,call them, or text or send email the last two were the largest numbers sad.I do enjoy a cup of coffee sitting talking to my friends some great memories!I can't believe you started a blog!
