Thursday, July 30, 2015

To catch a glimpse

This might be the one blog of mine that I don't know if I can explain. But you know me, I will give it a try. The random thing that made me think of this earlier was I was getting a bottle of water out of the fridge and a dream almost came to me. Please tell me that others have almost recalled a dreamed and before you get the memory of the full dream, you lose it.   It was just a glimpse and even though I know I had a moment that was oh so familiar, I could not for the life bring it to full circle. Sometimes I get that glimpse of God and know that it is him and I glance away only for a second and it is gone. Man that is the worst feeling because I know that God had something for me and bam I lost it.  For a moment my heart really skips a beat and I think oh I almost had it. I warned you guys that this random!  But it reminded me that when I take my eyes off God even for a second, I have missed what he has for me.  Since Ej has left to go stay with Jesus, I have had so many moment that I know as I know was God sent.  I know when I was growing up I had glimpses but I had not a clue how big that was.  My friend Donna says I always get God gifts because I am expecting one.  I don't mean that I am special but I believe that God is special and he is always sending us  so much and all we receive is glimpses.  Glimpses of Glory, glimpses of time, glimpses of mercy, glimpses of grace.  I believe sometimes that we are distracted and don't see God.  Then sometimes I realize that I have just missed it and how disappointed God is.  Not really disappointed in me, but disappointed because he knows, wow if Vickie would have got that, she would of loved that so much. Even writing that makes me cry.  I know God sends us things all the time and we could have so much more then a glimpse if we keep our eyes on Jesus. It is more then a glimpse when I sit quietly with Jesus and I know that is so much how he communicates. My prayer is that you and I get more then a glimpse, that we get a open heaven.  I have prayed and I believe that one day I will see a open heaven. And I don't want to wait to get to heaven to see a open heaven. I am praying that down to earth. I don't know if my heart could take it but I would love to give it a try.  Be intentional and want more then a glimpse.  Want more then a second.  Ask big, what do you have to lose...  God show me your glory!

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful word Vickie and so true! God wants to give to us his perfect LOVE and the desires of our heart......I too, know exactly what you are saying here......sometimes I get it with a leap of faith and sometimes I feel did this pass by? What did I miss Lord? I don't want to miss anything the Lord speaks or what he has for our life........Blessings~~~Roxie p.s. Your blog is too and of course, your heart.....soon, I would like to share with my blogging friends if you allow......let me know
