Tuesday, September 13, 2022

It’s been a minute

 Here it is 4am and guess who is awake. Though time passes 16 years 2 months and 11 days, but who is counting.  As summer gives away to fall, sometimes my will gives away to my emotions. You know they can only be sir pressed for a little while. It’s like it is already on my mind before I even open my eyes. Ej that beautiful gift that God gave me only for a little while. Well at least physically. But when the earthly life passes he doesn’t leave me in my soul. It’s odd to me that even though I know I will not understand, I still want to so much. As summer gives away to fall, I seem to give away to emotions. Something about the change of seasons for all of us. It’s nostalgic but it’s heavy. Thankful to make it through another season and wondering (not worrying) about what is coming in our next season. A person can only go so far on their own and then you really understand who God is. Because it makes no sense why I am still standing.  This journey has gotten me up in the middle of the night more times then I care to count for the last well 16 years 2 months and 11 days. It certainly turned out different then what I imagine but so has lots of other things. The challenge is the balance. A child in heaven and a child here on earth. Both so beautiful, both so loved. So in your heart you spend time in both places, doing my best to be present here on earth but to never take my eyes off of heaven. Just something about writing it down that allows me to release and breathe. I haven’t blogged for awhile. I will have to say it’s been a minute. Blessing to all of you on this new season of life. Fill your heart and mind with good and loving memories they will keep you just when you need them most.  


  1. Life is but a vapor, my friend! Again- your inspiration gives me strength to be more. More thankful! More loving. More understanding. ♥️

  2. I have not walked in your shoes. I can't even pretend to understand. I can however pray for that peace that passes all understanding for your life. Without HIM I would be nothing.
