Sunday, September 2, 2012

Keepsakes from my past......

As I get older, I cherish memories and things that remind me of my past. This picture is a picture of old fishing lures from my dad's tackle boxes. I got the fishing display board from a little store by our home. The ironic thing is that the little store was a store that I know my dad stopped at before he went fishing in the morning while we was on vacation here at Lake Cumberland. The store was called the Kracker Barrel and while it was in the process of being tore down, I stopped one day and ask if I could have a something from the building because I am sentimental like that. The girl said we have this display for fishing stuff that we was going to throw out. I took it not knowing what I was going to do with it, besides hang it in the potting shed. I have had it for a little while, when it dawned on me to go through Dad's fishing lures and hang them on the board. It just worked out so great and I am thankful that it all came together. I will have to admit that I cried while putting the lures on the display board. But it was only because I was so glad that I kept dad's fishing lures. It was such a big part of how much he loved to fish. That he taught me to fish and also taught Tiffany and Ej to fish. Those are the same lures that we all fished with. So thanks dad for that memory.  I do have a few things from my parents when I was younger but I wish I would have kept more. So for my younger friends, believe me that it may not mean much to you now but if there is something special that your parents still have, do not get rid of it. You will be glad you kept it. Now with that being said, you can't keep everything but special things will mean lots to you later on. I just don't want to be a throw away kind of person.

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