Thursday, August 2, 2012

Swinging on the Porch swing

Well I got a some response from my so call blog and I was so excited that anyone read  I am glad that I am not the only one that has the opinion that our cell phones rule us. My friend Toni added that another thing about the cell phone that I did not even think of is, when we are in other people's company that we text and take calls.  Her rule is no cell phone at the dinner table..That is a great rule. I have been guilty of taking calls and answering text while I am hanging out with friends and family.. Really, I am going to work on that. I know I have lost memories because I wasn't in the moment. So that is what I am going to work on..If you call or text and I don't answer immediately, hopefully I am on the porch swinging with my friends.. On a lighter note please pray for us, we are leaving for a three day mission trip today..We are staying here in our home state of Kentucky. We will be traveling to Eastern Kentucky. Please pray that God will lead, guide and direct us. May your day be blessed and may all of us remember that the most important thing to do is to stay in the moment..Once that moment is gone, we cannot get back...Peace out...

1 comment:

  1. Love it my friend!!!
    And the potting shed in the background is great!!
