Baby Ansley is her name, and filling our sails is her game! Well it has been a really long time since I last posted. I think it was last July at Ej's thirtieth birthday celebration of life. I don't have a clue where time goes but it keeps on moving. For me, I am glad to see it moving because everything stopped in the life of Jack and Vickie for about 7 1/2 years. But life is back and it come in the form of a new grand daughter, born on January 17, 2014 and weighing in at 7lbs 14oz. Which by the way happens to be EJ's birthday 7/14. Coincidence, I choose to think not. God has been faithful to always let me know that he has Ej and that everything will work out in accordance to God's plan. Jack and I have lived in death for so long that it was like a beautiful breeze blew our way and filled our sails. That breeze has a name, Ansley Jay Whitis..Yes please take note of the middle name. Tiffany named her Jay after Ej because her whole life she called him Jay. I was so thankful that she gets to carry part of her Uncle Ej's name. My prayer is that she has a beautiful, fun, God filled life. I hope she grows up to know that her papa and I love her so very much and she is just what we needed to sail again. God always has a plan, even when we cannot see. I believe she is a gift from God, just like our grandsons Carson and Kade. I have been sad for Carson and Kade because they knew Uncle Ej, but then he was taken away. I will never forget that about a year after Ej passed away, we was riding down the road and Carson from the back seat said "nana" as I looked in the rear view mirror, to see his little eyes full of tears he ask the question "where in this world are we going to find a bull as good as Uncle EJ. It was heartbreaking because I knew that there would never be another bull as good as Uncle EJ. Uncle EJ would take turns with Carson and Kade and ride them on his back in the living room, trying and sometimes succeeding in bucking them off into the floor. With so much laughter, they would say Uncle Ej please let me ride again. That is one of those moments that takes my breath away. Another one of those moments was the first cry that I heard standing outside the hospital room when Ansley was born. I thought for sure my heart was going to stop and I knew that God had a plan for that hurting spot that Jack and I share. Jack told me that day that we could have life again and not live in the death mode. Do we miss Ej? Absolutely, every single day I miss my son, but it is different now, we have a little baby grand daughter that will know her Uncle Ej by her brothers stories and by our stories of him. God has blessed us with so many memories and with a son that will never be forgotten, with a daughter that is beautiful to the core of her soul, two grandsons that gave us the reason to live when we did not want to. And now baby Ansley who we will be blessed to watch her grow and see what she becomes. I thank God for all his plans, no matter if I understand or not. To know that God is God on the mountain just like God is God in the valley. God has gave me more then I deserve. God has put wind in our sails and the name of that wind is Ansley Jay! We love you, Tiffany, Chad, Carson, Kade and Ansley Jay. Thanks for carrying your papa and I through!